FREE - All You Can Eat
CoRn oN thE CoB
w/ Paid General Admission
Sat Aug 11 & Sun Aug 12, 2012
Admission from 10 AM - 3 PM (no entrance to farm aft 3PM)
Farm Closes 2 hrs aft the last tour departs
Farm Closes 2 hrs aft the last tour departs
With the price of sweet corn this year, this may be your best opportunity to eat all the sweet corn you'd like until your hearts' content!
Paid General Admission Includes:
- All the FREE Corn-on-the-Cob you can Eat
- Guided tour of the farm: Milk a Cow - Catch a Chicken - Ride a Pony - Kiss a Pig - Cuddle a Kitten - Enjoy a Hayride & More!
- All the FREE Corn-on-the-Cob you can Eat
- Cornbox Play Station
- All the FREE Corn-on-the-Cob you can Eat
- Caramel Apples & other food items for purchase
- Guest Appearance By: Rover the Dog & Friendly the ScareCrow
Oh, and did we mention…
All the FREE Corn-on-the-Cob you can Eat?!??
General Admission: $11/person (under 24 mos FREE)
Nope - not a misprint. Crazy price for all you can do and eat!!
(Sorry, NO Coupons/Discounts/Groupons will be accepted at this event.)

Guest Appearance by Rover!
Scenes around the farm.
See you August 11th and 12th!